We perform oversized transportation with our own trucks and equipments up to 20m length, any width, 5m height and a weight of 65 tons.
We provide escort cars for oversized transports with our own specialized and authorized drivers and vehicles.

Our personnel is acknowledged and authorized by the Ministry of Transport, CNADNR and ARR.
We offer, trough our cooperation with the Romanian police, police escorts in case the oversized transport requires them.

We also perform trail recognition to find the best, secure and rapid trail for oversized transports.
We obtain approvals and permits for disassembling cables and wires (gas, electricity etc), that cross the road network as well as assembling and disassembling the street furniture.

We ensure road assistance during the time the oversized transport is made, and in case of need we can replace the vehicles and move the cargo on similar equipments.

Quick loading and unloading as well as the possibility of covering the cargo.
We ensure loading and unloading of goods in Romanian harbors Constanta, Midia and Agigea and also in Romania, Bulgaria and Greece.